
Cole Law Group Blog


Update on Understanding Distribution of Military Retirement Benefits in Tennessee Divorces

Grayson v. Grayson Tennessee Court of Appeals Military Law Attorney Paul Tennison A recent Tennessee Court of Appeals case spent significant time analyzing and discussing United States Department of Defense Financial Management Regulations regarding military retirement benefits in divorce. Grayson v. Grayson, No. E2020-01339-COA-R3-CV, 2021 Tenn. App. LEXIS 354 (Ct.…


Understanding the Service Connected Requirement For VA Disability Claims

VA disability law can be daunting for many eligible veterans who want to submit a VA disability claim or wish to appeal a negative disability determination. One of the main concepts that is difficult for service members to understand is which injuries or illnesses VA disability will cover. The answer…


Property Distribution According to Tennessee’s Intestacy Laws

“Where there’s no will, there’s no say” Approximately 60% of Americans are said to die “intestate”.1 Simply put, this means that the deceased individual (i.e. the “decedent”) did not create a legally valid and enforceable will during his or her lifetime. Nevertheless, the decedent’s estate must be distributed in some…


Understanding the Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act

Military Law Attorney Paul Tennison Many current or former service members and their current or former spouses are generally aware of the Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act. However, from my experience in working with military family law matters, it is an area of law that many people misunderstand. The…


The 5 Best Ways to Present Persuasive Disability Evidence

Many service members understand the frustration of being wrongfully denied disability compensation from the Veterans Administration. In my experience I have observed veterans who became frustrated with the process and ultimately gave up. This is most unfortunate. If you have suffered an injury or illness due to your military service,…


My Story: Military Challenge Coins After a Decade in the Army

Collecting military challenge coins is something that service members understand. However, those outside the military may have never seen them before or comprehend their unique history. Many purposes are served by challenge coins in the military. One is to reward exceptional performance during training or combat operations. Rewarding excellence is…


Army ROTC Disenrollment Appeals

How Does the Army ROTC Program Work? Military Law Attorney Paul Tennison The US Military’s Reserve Officers’ Training Corps is a system through which many college students can pursue an undergraduate education while conducting military training that prepares them for a period of service as a commissioned military officer. According…


What to Expect in Divorce Mediation

Divorce Law Basics Lawyers label divorce cases according to the complexity of issues that must be resolved prior to the granting of a decree and/or to the degree of contention that exists between the two opposing parties. An uncontested divorce is one in which both spouses seek a divorce and…


Coronavirus and Immigration–What You Must Know About Presidential Proclamation

As part of the response to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), on April 22, 2020, the President issued a Proclamation Suspending Entry of Immigrants Who Present Risk to the U.S. Labor Market During the Economic Recovery Following the COVID-19 Outbreak (the “Proclamation”). The Proclamation, which is effective April 23, 2020,…


The Role of Discovery in Civil Litigation

What Is the Purpose of Discovery? Discovery is the formal pre-trial process through which each party in a civil lawsuit may discover legal evidence and facts about the case from the opposing party or parties and witnesses. In Tennessee, discovery is governed by the Tennessee Rules of Civil Procedure and,…

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